Saturday, January 5, 2008

And the last word in 2007

Again, a stupid comment from another poster:

I hope you will heal your relationship with your daughter, and your
ex-husband. And work together with him, not fight against what you think he
should be doing, to help your daughter navigate her way to adulthood
successfully, and safely. Best of luck.

My response and final post in 2007:

Well, I'm not fighting my ex for anything, in fact I barely speak to him. Where my daughter is concerned all I have really done with him is let him know the facts of what we have gone through. There has been unity between he and I(during the worst part of things while she was here) until she actually moved down there. That is when things changed and I seem to have become the "outside" party with no rights or reason to be heard. That is unacceptable in any court of law, or in any other way. I know I can't control what goes on there, and I have no desire to, but I can't allow him to shut me out of my daughters life either. And that is what is happening right now. I sent her there, because the only other choice was foster care, and I couldn't do that legally without his consent. I wouldn't want to do that anyway, because it would only further her horrid attitude and behavior being in a non familial environment with people that don't care about her the way we do. I don't like my ex, or his family, by any sense of the word. They are a bunch of negative, phony, maniuplative hillbillies that have made my life a living hell in many ways over the last 20 years. But they are family, and it is "away" from the bad influences that my daughter was around here, that I have been fighting so hard to get her away from. Is he a horrible person, yes. He has never had to be a father, not even when we were together, because he always made sure that he was somewhere else(he'd hang out at his parents and leave me home with the children), and that he never ever dealt with any issues that would require him to take responsiblity and do something physically in the parental or husband role. So now is his time to step up to the plate and be accountable. And my time to sit back and let him. Not without being a part of my daughters life though. That I will not and cannot do. I am not sure where you got that I was putting my daughter out of my life??? That is so far from what I have been doing!! Don't you understand, I have been fighting to keep my daughter in my life, and our home. And it has been the hardest and longest fight of my entire exsistence. And because she has free agency, and is the age she is, and has done what she has done, is likely still doing, I couldn't allow her to remain here with me, or her siblings any longer, or they too would be lost. She is not dead, or dead to me, but I do have to "let her go" for now and make sure that the other children in my home and in my care are ok and can live a life that is free of the type of drama that she has brought into our home, not to mention the dangerous element. I am not sure how you would handle a situation like ours in your own home and I hope you never do, but I think you would likely do much the same things that I have. And as for my feelings, what my condition my heart is in over all this? I am heart broken and heartsick over all of it...but, I understand now(partly due counselling, and partly due to my mother and all the other good advise and support I've gotten) that I can't let it rule my life anymore, because I have other children and a husband that need me. And I need to be able to have a life as well. My daughter, while not in my control, is in the hands of family who love her, despite their failings and lack of brain cells for the most part, and she will have to deal with her behavior and choices there, and not here and I pray she will come out of it a better person and come back to some semblance of of who she was before she went astray, and be able to acheive the goals she had once set for herself in life. It's all I can do now. I love her, I pray for her everyday, and I think of her almost every minute of the day. I cry for her, and miss her horribly........that most of all.....but I know she is where she needs to be right now. I am being the best parent I can for her in letting her go....and that is the worst heartbreak of all. Now, I've got to run and get the rest of the crew here working on the garage with me so we can put away the christmas decorations and get their bedrooms switched and Stacee's things packed up and ready to mail to her....I've been avoiding this for I can do it without crying everytime I go into her room(now her little sisters).

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