Saturday, January 5, 2008

To end the year 2007

A shorter note:

.......I have since talked things over with both my counselor and my mother......what better help can I get that, besides all of you at CC???!!! I decided that he was just a waste of my time and breath. I have decided to just let my daughter go for the time being, and if she wants to talk to me, she can come to me. Then we will see where we are with things. I have too much to do and too many other people that need me to dwell on her and her drama from afar, anymore. I love her, and I miss her and I pray that she will get her act together and make something useful of her life, but I can't change her, and I won't give her an excuse to bring her drama back into my household again. Not even from 800 miles away. I'll be very busy the rest of this week getting her sister ready for her New Year's eve party. I've got a little cake to make and that is how it should be now. It's going to be hard, but I've got to stay strong and let her take her life lumps where she is and how she chooses from here on out, but love her still the same.

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